Flood Protection Scheme
Following on from an open meeting held for our at members, it was agreed that the Association should object against the proposed scheme posted at the end of May 2023.
It was also agreed that a letter would be penned, for members and any other person that has an interest in the survival of the River Cree as a fishing destination.
As it stands, there has been a lack of engagement from the team scheme with NSDAA despite our status on the river. Points that have been raised to the scheme by NSDAA appear to have been given little to no consideration due to the lack of mention of fish welfare in the river.
For this reason, and due to concerns surrounding the design of the flood defences whereby access and exit points create significant risk to persons using the river, we ask that all members/persons with an interest in the river put your own name and address (and date) on the letter below and thereafter email it to the following email address –
We also suggest, that you copy it to elected members Alister Jack and Finlay Carson
Alister Jack – alister.jack.mp@parliament.uk
Finlay Carson – Finlay.Carson.msp@parliament.scot
Link to Flood Protection Scheme letter
Our objective, by submitting objections is in the hope of forcing a pause in the process to allow proper consultation by the Scheme with NSDAA and other interested parties with a view to providing sufficient flood defences for the people and property of Newton Stewart however, at the same time, ensure that the fishing and fish welfare is protected as far as possible.
All objections must be submitted by the 23rd of June 2023.
Full details of the proposal can be viewed on the link below;
Please share this post, the more engagement the better.
Thanks in advance