After our AGM held on 8th December 2022, Newton Stewart and District Angling Association, are pleased to announce that we are now in a position to offer winter pike fishing on Loch Ochiltree to a new category of membership.
Until now, Pike fishing has been restricted to members of the association (those residing in DG8 postcode area) who had paid the extension to their membership.
We have received the approval of our members for the following;
– Creating a new membership classed as ‘Associate Membership Predator Ticket’
– Allowing 20 new members from anywhere in the UK (including residents of DG8 who are not full members) to join
The committee have been overwhelmed with the interest in fishing our water and as such have formulated an application process for the allocation of these places as follows,
– Signal interest by responding to this post/private messaging/emailing
– An application form will be sent to you via email
– Complete said form in full and return no later than 1700hours, 22/12/2022
– Forms returned on time, will be checked and if completed correctly/fully they will be accepted as a valid application
– Once all applications are confirmed/accepted, they will be placed into a ballot where a live draw will be conducted. (Date to be confirmed)
– The first 20 applicants drawn will be given the details regarding payment and their membership pack will be sent out to them immediately on payment.
– The next 20 applicants drawn will form a reserve/waiting list.
We are insisting that applicants will be a member of either PAC or PAAS – any applications without these details on will not be considered.
The cost of membership which will run until 28/2/23 will be £205.
If you apply, and are successful in ballot this year, you will automatically be given the option to renew next season without the need to reapply or be drawn.
We appreciate that the demand indicated to us has been huge and we thank everyone for their patience whilst we have worked to accommodate requests to fish our water, we are also aware that people will be disappointed, however, we will continue to review and evolve this new venture as we progress.
Please message us using the Contact Us section in order to signal interest and we will email a form to you.
(We are going to run this application process via email only due to upcoming the postal strikes causing potential delays in receipt of forms.)