Interclub Trout Match 2022
On Sunday 2nd October 2022 we travelled to Soulseat Loch near Castle Kennedy to fish the annual interclub trout match against our friends and neighbours, Stranraer and District Angling Association.
Both fly and bait teams fished hard with some cracking fish being caught – the Soulseat broonies are a sight to behold!
Unfortunately, from a NSDAA point of view, both trophies were left in the west of the region, with the result as follows,
Fly Match
Stranraer – 17 trout
Newton Stewart – 12 trout
Most fish – Bobby Greenhill – Stranraer 5 trout
Bait Match
Stranraer – 11 trout
Newton Stewart – 9 trout
Most fish – Alan Henry – Stranraer 7 trout
Special mention to our member Calvin Steward who caught the fish of the day with a Rainbow trout estimated to be excess of 10lbs!
A huge thanks to Stranraer for hosting the event this season, and especially to John Langdon from Stranraer for the build up and running the event so smoothly.
Thanks also to Stranraer Golf Club Creachmore for the excellent meal provided.
We look forward to the event next season which will be back at Loch Ochiltree and Fyntalloch respectively.
Tight lines